Top "Draw" questions

A tag for questions about methods of displaying graphical data or images.

How to create MS Paint clone with Python and pygame

As I see it, there are two ways to handle mouse events to draw a picture. The first is to …

python mouse pygame draw paint
Override onDraw() or draw()?

My project is based on surfaceView and up until now I've had all of my rendering in onDraw which I …

android draw surfaceview ondraw
How can I draw a vertical line in an Activity when a button is pressed?

I want to draw a straight vertical line in my Android activity when a button is pressed. Please explain how …

android line draw
How to draw polygons with CGPath?

I have been reading thru the documentation however it is not immediatly clear to me how to draw a polygon …

iphone core-graphics polygon draw cgpath
JavaFx 2.x : How to draw dashed or dotted lines?

I would like to dynamically change the draw of a line from solid, dotted or dashed: it seems I have …

line draw javafx-2
Is there a way to specify the width of a rectangle in PIL?

I'm trying to draw thick rectangles onto an image using ImageDraw Module of PIL/pillow. I tried using draw.rectangle([…

python python-imaging-library draw
How to add a simple text label to an image in Go?

Given image.RGBA, coordinates, and a line of text, how do I add a simple label with any plain fixed …

image go fonts draw
opencv rectangle with dotted or dashed lines

I have a line of code here that uses the python binding for opencv: cv2.rectangle(img, (box[1], box[0]), (box[3], …

python opencv computer-vision draw drawrectangle
Android: How to fill color to the specific part of the Image only?

I have Image Like this: Now, i want to fill the color to the Specific part of that image. as …

android android-canvas paint draw
Draw an arc/circle sector in QML?

I know that it is possible to draw a circle in QML using the following code: Rectangle { width: 150 height: 150 anchors.…

qt qml draw geometry sector