How can I draw a vertical line in an Activity when a button is pressed?

kiki picture kiki · Sep 28, 2010 · Viewed 20.2k times · Source

I want to draw a straight vertical line in my Android activity when a button is pressed. Please explain how I can draw the line with a position & length I want.

Elaboration: I have a linear layout with vertical orientation. A set of buttons constitute this linear layout. When I press one button, I want a line to appear to the right of these buttons, as if dividing the screen halfway - a straight line of width=2dip and height=200dip.


kiki picture kiki · Sep 28, 2010

I have solved it myself. All you need to do is define a View with appropriate parameters and fill the background with color. You may want to use nested linear layouts for positioning the line correctly.


So if it may be useful to anyone else, I have posted the answer here myself!