Top "Double-click" questions

A double-click is the act of pressing a computer mouse button twice quickly without moving the mouse.

Can I double-click a tkinter Listbox option to invoke function in Python?

I have a Listbox with an associated "Select" button. I want my GUI such that a double-click on any Listbox …

python user-interface listbox tkinter double-click
Google Web Designer banner Missing click tag check on validation

I need to create doubleclick banner, and i am using Google Web Designer. I want to call clickTag by simple …

javascript banner double-click google-web-designer clicktag
Performing a double click using CGEventCreateMouseEvent()

I'm using the following code to simulate a click of the mouse: void PostMouseEvent(CGMouseButton button, CGEventType type, const CGPoint …

objective-c macos quartz-graphics double-click cgeventtap
D3: How do I set "click" event and "dbclick" event at the same time?

I've toggled click event to a node and I want to toggle a dbclick event to it as well. However …

javascript event-handling d3.js double-click
Catching double click in Cocoa OSX

NSResponder seems to have no mouse double click event. Is there an easy way to catch a double click?

cocoa macos double-click nsresponder
Disable maximizing WPF window on double click on the caption

How to disable maximizing WPF window on double click on the caption and leave resizing available? I know that ResizeMode …

wpf window double-click wndproc maximize
How can jQuery be used to handle timer in click, dblclick separation

I am using the jQueryFileTree at and I want to distinguish between the dblclick and click …

jquery timer click double-click
How to implement a two-finger double-click in Android?

I know how to detect a double-click and a two-finger touch event, but how can I combine these to react …

android multi-touch gesture double-click
How to detect android double tap?

How to detect the double tap in android? I implement OnDoubleTapListener and wrote this: public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent e) { // TODO …

android double-click tap
How to prevent firing single click event when double clicked in extjs

I have a tree panel and for each node i have single click and double click events. but when i …

extjs event-handling extjs4.1 user-experience double-click