Top "Double-click" questions

A double-click is the act of pressing a computer mouse button twice quickly without moving the mouse.

Double clicking in python selenium

I am using selenium with python. Im able to get the code below to click where I want but I …

python selenium double-click
Distinguish between mouse doubleclick and mouse click in wpf

In my WPF application , I am using ListView GridView, and I implemented a functionality that is associated to mouse double …

wpf mouseevent double-click
Distinguish between a single click and a double click in Java

I search the forum and see this codes: public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getClickCount() == 2) { System.out.println(" and …

java mouseevent double-click
Double Tap/ double click Angular2 & ionic

I am searching on many forums and questions, but nobody seems to ask how to double click ou double tap …

angular ionic2 directive angular2-directives double-click
ASP.Net double-click problem

having a slight problem with an page of mine. If a user were to double click on a "…

c# javascript onclick double-click
TreeView double-click behaviour in .NET / C#

I have a regular .NET Windows Forms treeview control. The nodes are setup like this: Group ---child ---child If I …

c# .net winforms treeview double-click
How do I double-click on objects using javascript? Do I have to .click() twice?

I tried searching for this but the only results that come up are on double click, and never how to …

javascript double-click tampermonkey
WPF Double Click TreeviewItem Child Node

I have a treeview Item as such in a treeview that will have a list bound to it: <TreeViewItem …

wpf treeview double-click treeviewitem
How to programmatically fire a dblclick event defined with addEventListener?

For JS Unit test, I need to check that a double-click behaves as expected. The issue is that the event …

javascript events double-click
Selenium 2.0 WebDriver Advcanced Interactions DoubleClick Help (c#)

So within my selenium regression tests, I've been trying to double click on a calendar to make a new appt. …

c# selenium nunit webdriver double-click