Distinguish between mouse doubleclick and mouse click in wpf

Ghassan Karwchan picture Ghassan Karwchan · Oct 27, 2009 · Viewed 25.7k times · Source

In my WPF application , I am using ListView GridView, and I implemented a functionality that is associated to mouse double click. Is there a way, or a control that distinguish between the mouse double click and mouse click?

I used a button, and implemented an event for mousedoubleclick, but the click event is still triggering

Thanks for help


mcwyrm picture mcwyrm · Nov 21, 2013

Handling the double click event for controls that present the MouseDoubleClick event is no trick. Handling double click for other controls involves inspecting the ClickCount property of the MouseButtonEventArgs.

So, for instance, your XAML might look something like this:

<SomeControl  MouseDown="MyMouseDownHandler">

... and your code behind like this:

private void MyMouseDownHandler(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    if (e.ClickCount == 2)
        // Handle double-click

Here's a page that provides a somewhat more detailed example.