Top "Nsresponder" questions

NSResponder is a class used in Mac Development.

UIScrollView prevents touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded on view controller

I am handling touches for a couple of my UI components in my view controller (custom subclass of UIViewController). It …

iphone uiscrollview touch viewcontroller nsresponder
How to inspect the responder chain?

I'm doing some crazy multiple documents inside a single window stuff with the document-based architecture and I'm 95% done. I have …

objective-c cocoa macos nsdocument nsresponder
Catching double click in Cocoa OSX

NSResponder seems to have no mouse double click event. Is there an easy way to catch a double click?

cocoa macos double-click nsresponder
How to add NSViewController to a responder chain?

I'm having hard time understanding and finding info about how to make NSViewController accept key and mouse events. I read …

objective-c macos cocoa nsviewcontroller nsresponder