Top "Dollar-sign" questions

Anything related to the dollar symbol `$` and its special meanings in programming.

jQuery Dollar Sign Confusion

I'm a bit confused regarding the dollar sign in jQuery, and was hoping someone could help me out. I have …

javascript jquery events onclick dollar-sign
Why IntelliJ Idea doesn't recognize the dollar operator of JQuery?

IntelliJ shows a warning "Unresolved function or method $()" when mouse over the $ sign despite the file is in the same …

jquery intellij-idea dollar-sign
Is there an inverse of the Haskell $ operator?

A quick question, is there an operator in Haskell that works like the dollar sign but gives precedence to the …

haskell operators dollar-sign
How to escape a special character in Hive shell/JDBC statement?

I'm trying to create an external table from a JSON file, which looks like this: {"id": "0010001", "my$entities": [{"a": "foo", "…

sql character hive dollar-sign
which version of C# to use $ instead of string.format

I find a piece of code like this int a = 100; string str = $"{a:0.00}"; Console.WriteLine(str); the result is "100.00" The $ …

c# string.format dollar-sign
Groovy inspect() handle dollar sign($)

below code can not run def map = [name:"Test :: ( %2f %25 \$ * & ! @ # ^)"] String s = map.inspect() println get …

groovy inspect dollar-sign
PowerShell: -replace, regex and ($) dollar sign woes

I am in the process of converting thousands of lines of batch code into PowerShell. I'm using regex to help …

regex powershell replace dollar-sign
How to escape $ in sed over ssh command?

I am trying to create a patch that users can use to remotely edit a file in a pre-defined way …

ssh sed escaping dollar-sign
What does the dollar sign mean inside an attribute selector in jQuery?

There is this jQuery which seems to look for all elements with id="scuba", but then it uses attr() to …

jquery jquery-selectors dollar-sign
latex: dollar $ sign within lstlising

I am trying to put some asm code into a latex document, onfurtunatly pdflatex treats the $ signs within my document …

math latex dollar-sign lstlisting