Top "Inspect" questions


How to list all functions in a Python module?

I have a python module installed on my system and I'd like to be able to see what functions/classes/…

python reflection module inspect
How can I get a list of all classes within current module in Python?

I've seen plenty of examples of people extracting all of the classes from a module, usually something like: # …

python reflection inspect
Using a dictionary to select function to execute

I am trying to use functional programming to create a dictionary containing a key and a function to execute: myDict={} …

python function dictionary inspect
How to inspect Javascript Objects

How can I inspect an Object in an alert box? Normally alerting an Object just throws the nodename: alert(document); …

javascript object inspect
Chrome://inspect displaying device though not displaying any opened tabs

I am trying to utilize chrome for remote debugging of an android web application. I am unable to get any …

android google-chrome remote-debugging inspect
How can I read a function's signature including default argument values?

Given a function object, how can I get its signature? For example, for: def myMethod(firt, second, third='something'): pass …

python arguments inspect
Get full package module name

For verbose debug messages in my application I'm using a function that returns a helpful prefix. Consider the following example: …

python inspect
Can't see my device of chrome://inspect/#devices

I've followed the instructions at google: I've also went over the troubleshooting section …

android google-chrome inspect
How to debug webview remotely?

How can I do debug/inspect element of apk webview. I have tried this but it is helpful only for …

android debugging android-webview inspect
How to use inspect to get the caller's info from callee in Python?

I need to get the caller info (what file/what line) from callee. I learned that I can use inpect …

python inspect