I am trying to create a patch that users can use to remotely edit a file in a pre-defined way using sed, and I could do this manually on each computer, but it would take a long time.
The line I am struggling with is as follows:
ssh -t $host -p $port "cp ~/file1 ~/file1.bak ; sed -i \"s/fcn1('param1', $2)\n/fcn2('param2'):$zoom\n/g\" ~/file1"
This makes a backup of file1 and then edits a line in the file. I actually want to edit more than one line, but this line demonstrates the problems: The command works, provided no $ signs are used within the sed command.
I have tried a number of ways of escaping these $ signs but cannot seem to find one that works. I can use a . wildcard in the find, but obviously not in the replace string.
I would use single quotes for the sed command, in order to avoid expanding the $2, but single quotes are already used inside the command.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to overcome this problem? Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
This should work as well:
ssh -t $host -p $port "cp ~/file1 ~/file1.bak && sed -i \"s/fcn1('param1', \\\$2)/fcn2('param2'):\\\$zoom/g\" file1"
You need 3 back slashes as you have to escape the $ sign in the string passed in the remote bash to sed
. And you have to escape that back slash and the $ sign when sending it over via ssh