Top "Document-root" questions

The document root directory under which the current script is executing, as defined in the server's configuration file.

Get WordPress installation folder path

Is there a way to get the path to where WordPress is installed? I was using the following: $root = realpath($_…

wordpress root document-root realpath installation-path
Change document root folder of Apache web server on Linux

My PC is windows 8.1 and Linux mint 16 dual boot pc.I created Local web server on Linux Mint.It's document …

linux apache document-root
ProxyPass and DocumentRoot on one domain

Let's say I have the following configuration: <VirtualHost> # Server names, admins, logs etc... ProxyVia On ProxyRequests …

apache document-root proxypass
jQuery: determine the [server's] Document Root

in PHP you can get the document root by: $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. Ej: PHP <?php $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $…

javascript php jquery document-root
“Warning: DocumentRoot [/var/www/vhosts] does not exist” although I've created /var/www/vhosts?

I've installed apache and config my virtual host on my CentOS 6.4. But when i restart apache ( using this command : sudo …

apache document-root
I looked everywhere to change DocumentRoot on Apache to no avail

I don't know what I am doing wrong but I can't change the directory of my localhost files with Apache. …

windows apache apache2 http-status-code-403 document-root
MAMP changes to Apache 'document root' are ineffective

I seek help finding why MAMP fails to effect changes to the Apache 'document root', and fixing this problem. This …

apache mamp document-root phpinfo
Adding Apache VirtualHost, DocumentRoot of localhost changes to the VirtualHost's DocumentRoot

Everything is working perfectly in my Windows 7. The problem is when I add a as VirtualHost, localhost's DocumentRoot …

apache localhost virtualhost document-root hosts-file
Multiple Document Roots based on directory?

My server's structure is like this: |- var |-- www |--- website1 |--- website2 |--- website3 I'm currently working on …

apache ubuntu configuration directory document-root
Apache DocumentRoot to a Network Directory for Virtual Host

NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName tmp DocumentRoot "//" <Directory /> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow …

windows apache vhosts document-root network-drive