Multiple Document Roots based on directory?

user4440513 picture user4440513 · Mar 8, 2015 · Viewed 16k times · Source

My server's structure is like this:

|- var
   |-- www
       |--- website1
       |--- website2
       |--- website3

I'm currently working on website1, but I found that when I submit one of my Ajax forms, it returns the following error: The requested URL /signup was not found on this server.

When it should be looking under instead.

Here's what I currently have added in my apache2.conf:

Alias /website1 "/var/www/website1/public"
<Directory /var/www/website1>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

And my DocumentRoot is set to /var/www in my VirtualHosts. How can I fix this?


arkascha picture arkascha · Mar 8, 2015

This can't work. You confuse the Alias directive with a Virtual Host.

What you call is a hostname, not a directory part of the url. Therefore the Alias directive will not catch. An Alias directive allows you to map something like to an arbitrary location inside your local file system by means of a directive like Alias /folder1 .... Not more. It does not see the requested host, since it is located inside a host configuration.

Instead you need a Virtual Host for each hostname / domain name you want to serve content for. If you have no virtual hosts setup yet, then the http server will fall back to the default host, which is what you call All options of the apache http server are documented in excellent quality. I suggest you take a look into that documentation:

To be precise here: what you describe can actually be done by means of url rewriting. But it would be a pain and very intransparent. Virtual hosts are the way to go.