Top "Django-staticfiles" questions

A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files.

Why does DEBUG=False setting make my django Static Files Access fail?

Am building an app using Django as my workhorse. All has been well so far - specified db settings, configured …

django django-views django-staticfiles
Difference between static STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT on Django

I am confused by static root and want to clarify things. To serve static files in Django, the following should …

django django-urls django-staticfiles
Django won't refresh staticfiles

This is annoying. I have a javascript file referenced on a django template: <script src="{% static 'js/login.js' %} "&…

django django-staticfiles
Unable to perform collectstatic

I am new to django ! When I use the command python collectstatic I get this error django.core.…

python django django-staticfiles
Django get the static files URL in view

I'm using reportlab pdfgen to create a PDF. In the PDF there is an image created by drawImage. For this …

django django-views django-staticfiles
Invalid block tag: 'static'

Server returned TemplateSyntaxError at / Invalid block tag: 'static' on this line: <img src="{% static 'icon/logo.png' %}">. The …

django django-staticfiles django-static
What's the point of Django's collectstatic?

This is probably a stupid question, but it's just not clicking in my head. In Django, the convention is to …

python django django-staticfiles static-files collectstatic
Django serve static index.html with view at '/' url

I have my index.html in /static/ folder. My django app is running ok when i try: …

django django-views django-staticfiles

What are the differences of these three static url? I am not sure if I am right, I am using …

python django django-staticfiles django-static
django 1.5 - How to use variables inside static tag

I'm currently migrating all the static files references in my project to the new {% static %} tag that django 1.5 introduced, but …

django django-templates django-staticfiles