Top "Django-staticfiles" questions

A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files.

You're using the staticfiles app without having set the STATIC_ROOT setting to a filesystem path

I have gone through every other answer and cannot seem to get anything to work for me. I am following …

python django heroku django-staticfiles
Django-Compressor throws UncompressableFileError

I'm using django-compressor and django-staticfiles (the external version, I'm on Django 1.2). When I try to load my site, I get …

django django-staticfiles django-compressor
Django: Static Image won't load

I have been following the official documentation to the letter, trying some of the advice for related questions on here, …

python django django-staticfiles
{% load static %} and {% load staticfiles %}: which is preferred?

I'm not sure what the difference is, it seems like both of them are working. I googled around, and seems …

django django-templates django-staticfiles django-static
TemplateSyntaxError 'staticfiles' is not a valid tag library'

I'm having a really strange issue trying to get the staticfiles taglib working in my application. I'm essentially getting the …

django django-templates django-staticfiles
How to configure django-compressor and django-staticfiles with Amazon's S3?

I'm trying to setup django-compressor and django-staticfiles so that the compressed CSS/Javascript and images are served from Amazon's S3. …

django amazon-s3 django-staticfiles django-compressor
Where is template context processor in Django 1.5?

Is it supposed to be listed in automatically or do I have to add it? I am having …

django django-staticfiles
What's the difference between STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT in Django?

I'm somewhat confused as to what the difference is between STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT in Django's 'staticfiles' app. I …

python django django-staticfiles
django The STATICFILES_DIRS setting should not contain the STATIC_ROOT setting

I'm deploying a Django application on heroku. In my settings module, I have configured to host static files like STATIC_…

django django-staticfiles django-settings
Django STATIC_URL is not working

Django version is 1.4. I had read the official document, and googled my problem. first I had followed the official document …

python django web django-staticfiles