Top "Django-staticfiles" questions

A Django app that provides helpers for serving static files.

Django static files on heroku

I deployed a django app to heroku, using "git push heroku master" which worked absolutely fine. I then created a …

django heroku django-staticfiles staticfilehandler
django static files versioning

I'm working on some universal solution for problem with static files and updates in it. Example: let's say there was …

python django django-staticfiles
Serving favicon.ico with Django. Why does settings.MEDIA_URL with django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to only work on dev environment?

I found this solution for serving favicon.ico with django. (r'^favicon\.ico$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {…

django favicon django-staticfiles
Django : Static content not found

I have been breaking my head over this for a full day but can't figure out the problem. It happened …

python django django-staticfiles
Managing static files for multiple apps in Django

I am developing a Django (1.3) project composed of many applications. Each application has its own static files under its own …

django django-staticfiles
ImproperlyConfigured staticfiles

I have deploy simple blog application on Heroku, it run on Django=1.8.4, and I'm having some issues whit static files. …

python django heroku django-staticfiles
How do I serve media files in a local Django environment?

I can upload an image through the admin page, but the image can not be found when I navigate to …

python django django-staticfiles
South + Django 1.4 Database error

I have just installed my Django project on a new system, and installed Django 1.4. However when I try to run …

django django-south django-staticfiles django-1.4
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk not serving django static files

I am trying to put up a simple django app on elastic beanstalk. I thought I had the static parts …

django amazon-web-services amazon-elastic-beanstalk django-staticfiles
Django staticfiles not found on Heroku (with whitenoise)

This question seems to be asked several time but I can not fix it. I deployed a django app on …

python django heroku django-staticfiles