Top "Directory-structure" questions

Questions that relate to the organization of files and directories in a filesystem.

What Is Your Software Development Directory Structure?

I have been experimenting with directory structures and am currently using the one below: | |_projects__ | | | |_blog.com_ | | |_mockups | | |_user stories | | |_.... | | | |_…

language-agnostic directory-structure project-structure
Angular 2 define data models for multiple modules

I'm currently starting a new project with Angular 2.0 (release Version) and I want to define some global data models/schemas. …

angular typescript directory-structure datamodel angular2-modules
Data structure used for directory structure?

I'm making a program which the user build directories (not in windows, in my app) and in these folders there …

data-structures directory directory-structure
Is there any best practices or conventions for ios project structure

I was wondering if there is any best practices or conventions to structure your iOS projects? Thanks.

ios xcode naming-conventions directory-structure conventions
Where do I put static files for GWT app? war folder or public folder?

I have some JavaScript files, a main HTML file, a main CSS file, and some CSS files that get imported …

gwt web-applications directory-structure
C# OpenFileDialog Lock To Directory

I am making a software that needs to ONLY be able allow people to select files and folders using the …

c# .net directory-structure openfiledialog
How to check if directory 1 is a subdirectory of dir2 and vice versa

What is an easy way to check if directory 1 is a subdirectory of directory 2 and vice versa? I checked the …

c# directory directory-structure
Yield in a recursive function

I am trying to do something to all the files under a given path. I don't want to collect all …

python recursion iterator directory-structure yield
C#: what is the simplest way to sort the directory names and pick the most recent one?

I have a list of directories in a parent directory. These directories will be created in a format like 00001, 00002, 00003... so …

c# directory-structure
What is the role of Angular core module?

I read an article about organizing folders in Angular and the author uses one called core, in which he creates …

angular directory-structure