What Is Your Software Development Directory Structure?

Laz picture Laz · Jan 14, 2009 · Viewed 18.8k times · Source

I have been experimenting with directory structures and am currently using the one below:

 |           |
 |           |_blog.com_
 |           |          |_mockups
 |           |          |_user stories
 |           |          |_....
 |           |
 |           |_noteapp__
 |                      |_mockups
 |                      |_....
 |           |
 |           |_dev______
 |           |          |_blog.com_
 |           |                     |_app
 |           |                     |_config
 |           |                     |_....
 |           |
 |           |_prod_____
 |           |          |_blog.com_
 |           |                     |_app
 |           |                     |_....
 |           |_qe_....
 |           |_uat_....
             |          |_noteapp_
             |                    |_app
             |                    |_config
             |                    |_....

                                                 dev  - development
                                                 prod - production
                                                 qe   - quality engineering
                                                 uat  - user acceptance testing

Webs store web applications, desktops store desktop applications. The dev directory is version controlled, while the other directories (prod, qe, uat) store their respective current releases. The project directory stores non-code related project items.

What is your software development directory structure and is there a reason you recommend that structure?


David picture David · Jan 14, 2009

I do the following:

  • Projects
    • Project 1
      • Design
      • Docs
      • Code
    • Project n
      • Design
      • Docs
      • Code
    • Not active
      • Project 1
        • Design
        • Docs
        • Code
      • Project n
        • Design
        • Docs
        • Code

For some reason it helps me a lot to keep all the files grouped up by project, and keep my inactive projects (the ones I'm not currently working on) on a further down folder. I guess I get distracted by them otherwise.