What is an easy way to check if directory 1 is a subdirectory of directory 2 and vice versa?
I checked the Path and DirectoryInfo helperclasses but found no system-ready function for this. I thought it would be in there somewhere.
Do you guys have an idea where to find this?
I tried writing a check myself, but it's more complicated than I had anticipated when I started.
In response to the first part of the question: "Is dir1 a sub-directory of dir2?", this code should work:
public bool IsSubfolder(string parentPath, string childPath)
var parentUri = new Uri(parentPath);
var childUri = new DirectoryInfo(childPath).Parent;
while (childUri != null)
if(new Uri(childUri.FullName) == parentUri)
return true;
childUri = childUri.Parent;
return false;
s (on Windows at least, might be different on Mono/Linux) are case-insensitive. If case sensitivity is important, use the Compare
method on Uri