Top "Directive" questions

A concept of 'command' used by many programming languages and frameworks.

Angular2 keyup event update ngModel cursor position jumps to end

I am having an issue with an Angular2 directive that should do the following: Detect if the user enters '.…

angular input directive keyup ngmodel
How to check if a method argument of a directive is specified in AngularJS?

I've created a custom directive which contains a button. This button calls a method from parent scope specified by 'callback' …

angularjs parameters callback scope directive
AngularJS + Karma + Ng-html2js => Failed to instantiate module ...html

I can't make Karma working for directives that have external templates. Here is my karma configuration file : preprocessors: { 'directives/loading/…

templates angularjs testing directive karma-runner
Unit testing a directive that defines a controller in AngularJS

I'm trying to test a directive using Karma and Jasmine that does a couple of things. First being that it …

unit-testing angularjs controller directive karma-runner
angular ng-repeat expressions as variables

I'm trying to do something like this: <ul> <li ng-repeat="{{myRepeatExpression}}">{{}}</li> &…

angularjs expression directive ng-repeat
Angular directive with ng-repeat, ng-show "Show more" and lazy-load

I use this directive, iterating over an array "myArr", filtering for a few conditions. <myDirective myData='item' ng-repeat="item …

javascript angularjs directive ng-repeat
AngularJS input ng-model not updating

I am trying to create a simple pagination directive with an isolated scope. For some reason when I manually change …

javascript angularjs input directive
scope.$on is not working when created inside a directive

I have created a directive for my application which is mentioned in the following question How do you serve a …

angularjs events broadcast directive emit
How to get FormControl instance from ControlValueAccessor

I've the following component: @Component({ selector: 'pc-radio-button', templateUrl: './radio-button.component.html', providers: [ {provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => …

angular controls directive accessor