Top "Directive" questions

A concept of 'command' used by many programming languages and frameworks.

How to add validation attributes in an angularjs directive

I am trying to write an angular directive that adds validation attributes to the tag, but it doesn't seem to …

forms validation angularjs directive
AngularJS - load google map script async in directive for multiple maps

I am currently trying to load multiple google maps on a single page. I don't want to include google map …

angularjs google-maps lazy-loading directive
Why do we use `#include "stdafx.h"` instead of `#include <stdafx.h>`?

From here, it is said that: For #include "filename" the preprocessor searches in the same directory as the file containing …

c++ visual-studio-2010 include header-files directive
Detect Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V in an input from browsers

I am using the direct following and I do not detect the copy and paste with the keys inside the …

angular directive keyboard-events onkeydown
angular2 access ngModel variable from a directive

I am trying to build a datetime picker directive like the following. <input [(ngModel)]="date1" datetime-picker date-only /> and …

angular directive angular2-ngmodel
AngularJS: Parent scope not updated in directive (with isolated scope) two way binding

I have the following code, which can also be fiddled on View: <div …

javascript angularjs scope directive two-way
Set templateUrl base on attribute in directive

I'm working on a set of angular directives and I want to load the correct template based on the presence …

angularjs directive
Getter & setter support with ng-model in AngularJs

I am trying to get getter/setter support for ng-model by implementing a directive that will take care of getting …

angularjs setter getter directive
Pass parameters from directive to callback

I'm trying to define a directive sortable which wraps jqueryui's sortable plugin. The angular code is: module.directive('sortable', function () { …

jquery-ui-sortable angularjs directive
How to use Angular structural directive with multiple inputs

I want to implement something similar with angular-permisssion. And with requirement to control the element's existance, I need to use …

javascript angular directive