Top "Directive" questions

A concept of 'command' used by many programming languages and frameworks.

Controller 'ngModel', required by directive '...', can't be found

What's going on here? Here is my directive: app.directive('submitRequired', function (objSvc) { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elm, …

angularjs directive
Append html to an element in directive and make a local function to interact with it

In my AngularJS application, I have different complex inputs everywhere. For example, some inputs have a directive to use autocompletion …

javascript angularjs directive
Check if variable exist in laravel's blade directive

I'm trying to create blade directive which echo variable (if variable defined) or echo "no data" if variable undefined. This …

php laravel undefined laravel-5.2 directive
Angular2 Can't bind to DIRECTIVE since it isn't a known property of element

I generated new @Directive by Angular CLI, it was imported it to my app.module.ts import { ContenteditableModelDirective } from './…

angular typescript directive
Angular JS resizable div directive

My site will have multiple sections, each of which I intend to be resizable. To accomplish this I've made a "…

angularjs controller resize scope directive
What does ORG Assembly Instruction do?

can anyone give me a comprehensive description about ORG directive? When and why is it used in assembly written applications? …

assembly x86 nasm directive
Passing array via attribute to AngularJS directive

I'm currently having a problem when passing an array to a directive via an attribute of that directive. I can …

arrays parsing angularjs attributes directive
Understanding AngularJS ng-src

As explained here, the angularjs directive ng-src is used to prevent the browser from loading the resource (e.g. image) …

angularjs directive
AngularJS : What is the best way to bind to a global event in a directive

Imagine the situation in AngularJS where you want to create a directive that needs to respond to a global event. …

javascript angularjs events resize directive
Alias 403 Forbidden with Apache

I'm trying to create a folder named week7 and an html page named hello.html in that folder outside the …

apache alias directive mod-alias