AngularJS input ng-model not updating

user1200387 picture user1200387 · Dec 18, 2013 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I am trying to create a simple pagination directive with an isolated scope. For some reason when I manually change the value it gets a bit finnicky. Here is my problem:

When I page forward and backward, it works great. Awesome

When I enter a page into the field it works. Great

However, if I enter a page into the field and then try to go forward and backward, the ng-model seems to break after I enter a page into the field. I had it working when I did not isolate my scope but I am confused as to why it would break it. Here is my code:


<paginate go-to-page="goToPage(page)" total-pages="results.hits.pages" total-hits=""></paginate>


'use strict';

    .directive('paginate', function(){
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            template: '<div class="pull-right" ng-if="(totalPages !== undefined) && (totalPages > 0)">'+
                '<span class="left-caret hoverable" ng-click="changePage(current-1)" ng-show="current > 1"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Page'+
                '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="number" ng-model="current" class="pagination-input" ng-keypress="enterPage($event)"/> of'+
                '<span class="right-caret hoverable" ng-click="changePage(current+1)" ng-show="current < totalPages"></span>'+
            scope: {
                goToPage: '&',
                totalPages: '=',
                totalHits: '='
            link: function(scope) {
                scope.current = 1;
                scope.changePage = function(page) {
                    scope.current = page;
                scope.enterPage = function(event) {
                    if(event.keyCode == 13) {

What am I doing wrong?


Chetan S picture Chetan S · Dec 18, 2013

Beware of ng-if - it creates a new scope. If you change it to just ng-show, your example would work fine. If you do want to use ng-if, create a object to store the scope variable current. Maybe something like scope.state.current?

scope.state = {
    current: 1

To avoid confusion like this, I always keep my bindings as something.something and never just something.

Edit: Good explanation here -