Top "Dialog" questions

A temporary window presented to a user (usually as a small box).

PrimeFaces nested form inside p:dialog with appendTo="@(body)

I have this fragment: <h:form id="form"> <!-- other content --> <p:panel id="…

jsf primefaces dialog nested-forms jsf-2.2
Flash on top of jQuery dialog

I know many have asked this question, but I think my situation is a little bit different. I have a …

jquery html flash dialog z-index
How to programmatically create a dijit.Dialog with a dojox.grid.DataGrid

I have the following problem: Programmatically creating a dijit.Dialog and a dojox.grid.DataGrid (linked to a global Variable …

dialog dojo dojox.grid.datagrid
Text input in message dialog? ContentDialog?

I am wondering what is the best way to allow a user to input text into a MessageDialog in a …

c# xaml dialog windows-10 win-universal-app
How can I get p:selectOneMenu to calculate its width correctly inside dialogs?

When I embed a p:selectOneMenu in a p:dialog, its initial width is too small in Primefaces 3.4. The width …

dialog primefaces selectonemenu
How can I create positive and negative buttons at custom dialogs

I want to create a custom dialog. So i create a template 'dialog_change' and I open the dialog. Dialog …

android button user-interface dialog customdialog
C# Show Dialog threading

I have a Dialog Box (Importer) which i use for choosing a file I want to import into an app. …

c# multithreading dialog showdialog
Get event on dialog( Ok ,Cancel) button pressed(Android)

In my Android application I am displaying the dialogbox which contains edittext. This dialogbox is displayed using PreferenceCategory.My xml …

android android-preferences dialog preferencescreen
Android Custom Dialog with transparent window Background breaks my button selector

I am making a custom dialog with a transparent window background set in the style. I have another button in …

android button dialog transparent customdialog
DialogFragment callback on orientation change

I'm migrating my dialogs, currently using Activity.showDialog(DIALOG_ID);, to use the DialogFragment system as discussed in the android …

android dialog callback orientation-changes android-dialogfragment