A temporary window presented to a user (usually as a small box).
Hi I want to change the dialog text size.Dynamically I created th dialog, I need to change the text …
jquery dialog text-sizei am trying to use the Dialog-Framework of Primefaces, but I already stuck at the setting-up: http://www.primefaces.org/…
ajax jsf primefaces dialog wizardIs there a way to create a modeless dialog box in C++ MFC which always stays on top of the …
c++ mfc dialog modeless always-on-topI have a problem with my TimePickerDialog. first detect if the user's device has the time in 12 or 24 hour format: … …
android dialog android-timepicker time-formatI'm working on a Material design app. One feature I want to implement is some kind of a poll. When …
android android-fragments dialog modal-dialog bottom-sheetI'll be copying a large file over the network using my winforms app and I need to show some kind …
c# winapi .net-3.5 dialog file-copyingI am using an AppIntro library in my app. It has 3 slides. I want to ask the user something when …
android android-activity dialog fragmentI am trying to create a NumberPicker dialog in my preference screen. I have already made one following this:https://…
android dialog numberpicker dialog-preferenceI have searched through all the answers about dismissing a Dialog onTouchOutside, however, I am using DialogFragment in my application. …
android dialog android-fragments touch-event android-dialogfragment