A temporary window presented to a user (usually as a small box).
Im trying to return from the about dialog to the main activity by a button click: public class AboutActivity extends …
android button android-activity dialog about-boxI'm using the latest Facebook SDK on iOS 5. I can use SSO to successfully authenticate the user, and then I …
dialog facebook-ios-sdkI am using facebook sdk for my my iOS facebook application. I want to send app request to multiple users. …
facebook-graph-api graph dialog apprequests facebook-ios-sdkIs there a way to have a confirm dialog box display the value a user typed in a text box …
javascript text dialog confirmI would like to change the RadioButton that appears on ListPreference dialog for a check mark or something different, or …
android dialog listpreferenceHow can I show this : public class TagsDialog extends DialogFragment { @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new …
android android-fragments dialog android-viewpager fragmentmanagerI am trying to display an Android activity with: a dialog theme; a title fixed at the top of the …
android dialog scrollview buttonbarI'm trying to create a web dialog on Agnular6 using Nebular components. There are two ways to do this, the …
typescript dialog angular6 nebular ngx-adminI'm having a workflow issue with my JQuery dialogs when trying to create the dialogs and then doing a partial …
jquery ajax jquery-ui dialog partial-page-refresh