Top "Design-patterns" questions

A design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design.

Design Principles, Best Practices and Design Patterns for C (or Procedural Programming in general)?

Are there any known design principles, best-practices and design patterns that one can follow while designing a C project? Or …

c design-patterns principles
How to implement the activity stream in a social network

I'm developing my own social network, and I haven't found on the web examples of implementation the stream of users' …

design-patterns architecture stream social-networking
Why and How to avoid Event Handler memory leaks?

I just came to realize, by reading some questions and answers on StackOverflow, that adding event handlers using += in C# (…

c# design-patterns memory-leaks event-handling
Singleton with parameters

I need a singleton class to be instantiated with some arguments. The way I'm doing it now is: class SingletonExample { …

c# design-patterns parameters singleton arguments
Why does C# not provide the C++ style 'friend' keyword?

The C++ friend keyword allows a class A to designate class B as its friend. This allows Class B to …

c# c++ design-patterns oop friend
adapter-Any real example of Adapter Pattern

I want to demonstrate use of Adapter Pattern to my team. I've read many books and articles online. Everyone is …

oop design-patterns adapter software-design
What are the main advantages of MVC pattern over the old fashioned 3-layer pattern

I am contemplating about using an MVC pattern in my new project and I can clearly see the main advantage …

model-view-controller design-patterns n-tier-architecture 3-tier n-layer
What is the Page Object Pattern in Selenium WebDriver?

What is page object pattern in Selenium WebDriver? What is the use of it and how can we use this …

design-patterns selenium selenium-webdriver pageobjects
Design Pattern to model Request and Response Objects for Webservices

I have about 7 REST web services to implement. Some of these web services have a standard (identical) response, while some …

java web-services rest design-patterns jax-rs
What is the difference between Factory and Strategy patterns?

Can any one explain the difference between factory and strategy patterns? For me both are looking same other than an …

java design-patterns factory-pattern strategy-pattern abstract-factory