Singleton with parameters

veljkoz picture veljkoz · Nov 17, 2010 · Viewed 57.7k times · Source

I need a singleton class to be instantiated with some arguments. The way I'm doing it now is:

class SingletonExample
     private SingletonExample mInstance;
     //other members... 
     private SingletonExample()

     public SingletonExample Instance
              if (mInstance == null)
                  throw new Exception("Object not created");
              return mInstance;

     public void Create(string arg1, string arg2)
         mInstance = new SingletonExample();
         mInstance.Arg1 = arg1;
         mInstance.ObjectCaller = new ObjectCaller(arg2);
         //etc... basically, create object...

The instance is created 'late', meaning I don't have all of the needed arguments on app startup.

In general I don't like forcing an ordering of method calls, but I don't see another way here. The IoC wouldn't resolve it either, since where I can register it in the container, I can also call Create()...

Do you consider this an OK scenario? Do you have some other idea?

edit: I know that what I wrote as an example it's not thread safe, thread-safe isn't part of the question


annakata picture annakata · Nov 17, 2010

Singleton is ugly but since user whateva can't be bothered to correct his own code...

public class Singleton 
    private static Singleton _instance = null; 

    private static Object _mutex = new Object();

    private Singleton(object arg1, object arg2) 
        // whatever

    public static Singleton GetInstance(object arg1, object arg2)
        if (_instance == null) 
          lock (_mutex) // now I can claim some form of thread safety...
              if (_instance == null) 
                  _instance = new Singleton(arg1, arg2);

        return _instance;

Skeet blogged about this years ago I think, it's pretty reliable. No exceptions necessary, you aren't in the business of remembering what objects are supposed to be singletons and handling the fallout when you get it wrong.

Edit: the types aren't relevant use what you want, object is just used here for convenience.