Top "Design-patterns" questions

A design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design.

What's the difference between the Dependency Injection and Service Locator patterns?

Both patterns seem like an implementation of the principle of inversion of control. That is, that an object should not …

design-patterns dependency-injection service-locator
UML Class Diagram for User Login

The diagram below is my very first attempt at creating a UML class diagram describing a user login into a …

design-patterns oop class-design uml
C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation

Does anyone have a good resource on implementing a shared object pool strategy for a limited resource in vein of …

c# design-patterns pooling
What is an anti-pattern?

I am studying patterns and anti-patterns. I have a clear idea about patterns, but I don't get anti-patterns. Definitions from …

design-patterns terminology anti-patterns ooad
USE case to Class Diagram - How do I?

I would like your guidance on how to create classes and their relationships (generalization, association, aggregation and composition) accurately from …

design-patterns oop class-design uml
What are the DAO, DTO and Service layers in Spring Framework?

I am writing RESTful services using spring and hibernate. I read many resource in internet, but they did not clarify …

rest design-patterns architecture software-design
Is MVC a Design Pattern or Architectural pattern

According to Sun and Msdn it is a design pattern. According to Wikipedia it is an architectural pattern In comparison …

model-view-controller design-patterns architectural-patterns
Why is Singleton considered an anti-pattern?

Possible Duplicate: What is so bad about Singletons? Singleton Design Pattern: Pitfalls Singleton anti-pattern I've heard recently that Singleton is …

design-patterns anti-patterns
Angular design pattern: MVC, MVVM or MV*?

Angular 1.x (AngularJS) was following more or less the MV* design principle because of its two-way data binding functionality. Angular2 …

angular model-view-controller design-patterns mvvm mv
Design patterns or best practices for shell scripts

Does anyone know of any resources that talk about best practices or design patterns for shell scripts (sh, bash etc.)?

design-patterns bash shell