Top "Delphi" questions

Delphi is a language for rapid development of native Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android applications through use of Object Pascal.

Create and/or Write to a file

I feel like this should be easy, but google is totally failing me at the moment. I want to open …

delphi delphi-xe
External exception C0000006

I've wrote some program in Delphi and when I am running it from a disk on key. At some point …

delphi exception error-handling windows-xp
Delphi: using TClientDataset as an in-memory dataset

According to this page, it's possible to use TClientDataset as an in-memory dataset, completely independent of any actual databases or …

delphi dataset
How to check if a string contains a substring in Delphi?

String content = "Jane"; String container = 'A.Sven,G.Jane,Jack'; // This is the string which i need to be searched …

delphi delphi-7
What's the difference between Refresh, Update and Repaint?

I don't know which of those three methods suits me most. They all work for me. Does anyone know the …

delphi vcl
Are delphi variables initialized with a value by default?

I'm new to Delphi, and I've been running some tests to see what object variables and stack variables are initialized …

delphi variables initialization
Delphi TList of records

I need to store a temporary list of records and was thinking that a TList would be a good way …

delphi record tlist
Binary to Base64 (Delphi)

How can I get content of an exe file and convert it into Base64 encoding ? Edit I use D2010 and …

delphi encoding delphi-2010 base64
How to correctly write Try..Finally..Except statements?

Take the following code as a sample: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Obj: TSomeObject; begin Screen.Cursor:= crHourGlass; …

delphi try-finally try-except
How do I make Beyond Compare ignore certain differences while comparing versions of Delphi Form Files

I use Beyond Compare (version 3.1.10) to compare different versions of Delphi Form Files, but I don't want to see differences …

delphi version-control beyondcompare beyondcompare3