Top "Try-finally" questions

try-finally is a clause used to define a block of code which may throw an exception along with instructions to execute regardless of whether an exception occurs or not.

Java Try Catch Finally blocks without Catch

I'm reviewing some new code. The program has a try and a finally block only. Since the catch block is …

java try-catch finally try-catch-finally try-finally
Why do we need the "finally" clause in Python?

I am not sure why we need finally in try...except...finally statements. In my opinion, this code block try: …

python exception-handling try-finally
Difference between try-finally and try-catch

What's the difference between try { fooBar(); } finally { barFoo(); } and try { fooBar(); } catch(Throwable throwable) { barFoo(throwable); // Does something with throwable, …

java try-catch try-finally
Python try finally block returns

There is the interesting code below: def func1(): try: return 1 finally: return 2 def func2(): try: raise ValueError() except: return 1 finally: …

python try-except try-finally
How to correctly write Try..Finally..Except statements?

Take the following code as a sample: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Obj: TSomeObject; begin Screen.Cursor:= crHourGlass; …

delphi try-finally try-except
Why does a return in `finally` override `try`?

How does a return statement inside a try/catch block work? function example() { try { return true; } finally { return false; } } I'm …

javascript return try-catch try-catch-finally try-finally
Closing a cx_Oracle Connection While Allowing for a Down Database

The following cx_Oracle code works fine when the database is up: #!C:\Python27 import cx_Oracle try: conn = cx_…

python database-connection cx-oracle nameerror try-finally
Python: Using continue in a try-finally statement in a loop

Will the following code: while True: try: print("waiting for 10 seconds...") continue print("never show this") finally: time.sleep(10) Always …

python continue try-finally
What happens if both catch and finally blocks throw exception?

What happens if both catch and finally blocks throw exception?

c# java .net exception try-finally
Try-finally block prevents StackOverflowError

Take a look at the following two methods: public static void foo() { try { foo(); } finally { foo(); } } public static void bar() { …

java recursion stack-overflow try-finally