Top "Delphi" questions

Delphi is a language for rapid development of native Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android applications through use of Object Pascal.

How do I get the coordinates of the mouse when a control is clicked?

In a TImage's OnClick event, I would like to extract the x,y coordinates of the mouse. I would prefer …

delphi mouse timage
Delphi: How to determine and empty TDatetime value

Seems there is no way to assign NULL (either an "unassigned value" to TDateTime variables. The only way I've imagined …

delphi datetime null unassigned-variable
Exporting to excel from Delphi without having excel

I'm looking to export data to excel from Delphi without having to own a copy of excel, is this possible? …

delphi excel export-to-excel
Delphi VCL styles tutorial - how to change the style at runtime

Is there a good VCL Styles tutorial where we see how to dynamically (in run time) load/change the style ? …

delphi delphi-xe2 vcl-styles
Call C# dll from Delphi

I composed .Net 3.5 dll with single method, which is to be called by Delphi .exe. Unfortunately it does not work. …

c# .net delphi managed-code
Why would a Delphi programmer use Lazarus as the IDE instead of using Delphi's IDE?

I've been very happy with the Delphi IDE for programming in Delphi. But I've heard about the Lazarus programming environment, …

delphi ide lazarus
How can I write to the console window for debugging?

Can I display the result of a loop in the console window in a VCL application for debugging purposes?

delphi windows-console
how to create xml file in delphi

I'm new to delphi and now I have to read create an xml. my code is the following: unit writexml1; …

delphi delphi-7
Converting a string to TDateTime based on an arbitrary format

Is there any way in Delphi 5 to convert a string to a TDateTime where you can specify the actual format …

delphi delphi-5
Did Delphi ever get a for each loop?

I've read that Delphi was supposed to get a for each loop in Delphi 9. Did this functionality ever make it …

delphi delphi-2009 foreach