Top "Tlist" questions

Delphi VCL class for a list of pointers.

Delphi TList of records

I need to store a temporary list of records and was thinking that a TList would be a good way …

delphi record tlist
Viewing the Process Tree - tlist/tasklist

Starting with windows xp, the tlist command was replaced by the tasklist command. The old tlist command had the option \…

windows windows-7 tasklist tlist
Clear a TList or a TObjectList

I'm a bit puzzled of what to use for storing objects in a list. Until now I have used TList …

delphi delphi-2007 tlist
How do I free the contents of a TList?

I have this code in Delphi 4. I created 10 objects of type T_Charge (see below), which I added to a …

delphi free tlist delphi-4