Top "Date" questions

A date is a reference to a particular day represented within a calendar system, and consists of year, month and day.

Java: Convert String to TimeStamp

I have an issue while I try to convert a String to a TimeStamp. I have an array that has …

java date datetime timestamp
How do I get a Date without time in Java?

Continuing from Stack Overflow question Java program to get the current date without timestamp: What is the most efficient way …

java date
How to add months to a date in JavaScript?

I want to add months to a date in JavaScript. For example: I am inserting date 06/01/2011 (format mm/dd/yyyy) …

javascript date
Comparing date part only without comparing time in JavaScript

What is wrong with the code below? Maybe it would be simpler to just compare date and not time. I …

javascript date comparison mootools
Python date string to date object

How do I convert a string to a date object in python? The string would be: "24052010" (corresponding to the format: "%…

python date
How to convert date to timestamp?

I want to convert date to timestamp, my input is 26-02-2012. I used new Date(myDate).getTime(); It says …

javascript date time
Date format Mapping to JSON Jackson

I have a Date format coming from API like this: "start_time": "2015-10-1 3:00 PM GMT+1:00" Which is YYYY-DD-MM HH:…

java json date jackson pojo
Format Date time in AngularJS

How do I properly display the date and time in AngularJS? The output below shows both the input and the …

javascript angularjs date datefilter
Get the time difference between two datetimes

I know I can do anything and some more envolving Dates with momentjs. But embarrassingly, I'm having a hard time …

javascript date time momentjs difference
Calculate age given the birth date in the format YYYYMMDD

How can I calculate an age in years, given a birth date of format YYYYMMDD? Is it possible using the …

javascript date