Top "Date" questions

A date is a reference to a particular day represented within a calendar system, and consists of year, month and day.

Get hours difference between two dates in Moment Js

I'm able to get the difference between two dates using MomentJs as follows: moment(end.diff(startTime)).format("m[m] …

javascript date momentjs
Getting Current date, time , day in laravel

I need to get the current date, time, day using laravel I tried to echo $ldate = new DateTime('today'); and $…

php date laravel
Get first and last date of current month with JavaScript or jQuery

As title says, I'm stuck on finding a way to get the first and last date of the current month …

javascript jquery date time
How to parse a date?

I am trying to parse this date with SimpleDateFormat and it is not working: import java.text.ParseException; import java.…

java date simpledateformat
Convert UTC Epoch to local date

I have been fighting with this for a bit now. I’m trying to convert epoch to a date object. …

javascript date utc epoch
How to calculate the number of days between two dates?

I am calculating the number of days between the 'from' and 'to' date. For example, if the from date is 13/04/2010 …

javascript html date
How can I get the count of milliseconds since midnight for the current?

Note, I do NOT want millis from epoch. I want the number of milliseconds currently on the clock. So for …

java date time milliseconds
how to convert a string to date in mysql?

I have a string column which acts as a date and I want to select it as a date. Is …

mysql string date
How to get the last day of the month?

Is there a way using Python's standard library to easily determine (i.e. one function call) the last day of …

python date
Javascript add leading zeroes to date

I've created this script to calculate the date for 10 days in advance in the format of dd/mm/yyyy: var …

javascript date date-format time-format leading-zero