Top "Date" questions

A date is a reference to a particular day represented within a calendar system, and consists of year, month and day.

How to create a date object from string in javascript

Having this string 30/11/2011. I want to convert it to date object. Do I need to use : Date d = new Date(2011,11,30); /* …

javascript string date
How to compare two dates to find time difference in SQL Server 2005, date manipulation

I have two columns: job_start job_end 2011-11-02 12:20:37.247 2011-11-02 13:35:14.613 How would it be possible using T-SQL to …

sql sql-server-2005 date datediff
Count work days between two dates

How can I calculate the number of work days between two dates in SQL Server? Monday to Friday and it …

sql tsql date
Java: Get month Integer from Date

How do I get the month as an integer from a Date object (java.util.Date)?

java date calendar
How to get year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds of the current moment in Java?

How can I get the year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds of the current moment in Java? I …

java date
How to compare dates in datetime fields in Postgresql?

I have been facing a strange scenario when comparing dates in postgresql(version 9.2.4 in windows). I have a column in …

sql database postgresql date
Current time formatting with Javascript

I want to get current time in a specific format with javascript. With the function below and calling it will …

javascript date time format
Validate that end date is greater than start date with jQuery

How do I check/validate in jQuery whether end date [textbox] is greater than start date [textbox]?

jquery date jquery-validate
How do I get a value of in Python that is "timezone aware"?

I am trying to subtract one date value from the value of to calculate how long ago something …

python datetime date timezone
How do I get today's date in C# in mm/dd/yyyy format?

How do I get today's date in C# in mm/dd/yyyy format? I need to set a string variable …

c# date