Database normalization is the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency.
I am working through an example problem in which we are trying to identify which of the following relations is …
database database-normalization 3nfI'm using two online sources for gaining an understanding of the 5NF, without any rigor of Math and proofs. A …
database-design relational-database database-normalizationNormalization leads to many essential and desirable characteristics, including aesthetic pleasure. Besides it is also theoretically "correct". In this context, …
database database-design database-normalization denormalizationI understand the concept of database normalization, but always have a hard time explaining it in plain English - especially …
sql database terminology database-normalizationTo adhere to 1st normal form, one of the things you must avoid is repeating groups. As in instead of: …
database-design database-normalizationWhat is a KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid) way to remember what Boyce-Codd normal form is and how to take …
database database-normalization bcnfNew to database and so no to get upset with simple questions. As far as my googled and gathered knowledge …
database database-normalizationCould someone describe for me the differences between top down normalisation and bottom up normalisation with regards to databases, namely …
database-design database-normalization bottom-up topdown top-downCREATE TABLE Phone ( phoneID - PK . . . ); CREATE TABLE PhoneDetail ( phoneDetailID - PK phoneID - FK points to Phone phoneTypeID ... phoneNumber ... . . . ); …
sql database database-design database-normalizationApologies if this is a ridiculous question; I've searched high and low for an answer with no avail. I know …
database database-normalization functional-dependencies