To adhere to 1st normal form, one of the things you must avoid is repeating groups. As in instead of:
CustID Name Address Phone1 Phone2 Phone3
102 Jerry 234 East.. 555-2342 555-9854 555-2986
You should create a second Telephone Number table and then on a join you would get:
CustID Name Address Phone
102 Jerry 234 East.. 555-2342
102 Jerry 234 East.. 555-9854
102 Jerry 234 East.. 555-2986
Sometimes, it's a little more ambiguous and it's hard to tell when a group of column headers qualify. For instance, let's say you have, at the moment, two tests you run on every piece of hardware. And your first DB design yields the most horizontal approach:
Design 1
SN Test1_Max Test1_Min Test1_Mean Test2_Max Test2_Min Test2_Mean
2093 23 2 15 54 -24 45
Obviously, this is a repeating group, that could much more easily be represented as (on a join between "Parts" and "Tests"):
Design 2
SN Test Max Min Mean
2093 1 23 2 15
2093 2 54 -24 45
However, you could go even more vertical:
Design 3
SN Test Statistic Value
2093 1 Max 23
2093 1 Min 2
2093 1 Mean 15
2093 2 Max 54
2093 2 Min -24
2093 2 Mean 45
Is Design 3 necessary? How do you decide how vertical to make it? What are the pros and cons between Design 2 and 3? It seems that both could be selected or joined easily with SQL, with the advantage given to Design 3 because you could easily add a new Statistic without actually modifying the table structure.
But before anyone goes and says that the more vertical the better, there are times where it's more ambiguous. Like:
Design 4
SN AverageCurrent (mA) BatteryCapacity (mA)
2093 200 540
Could instead be:
Design 5
SN mA_Measuremnt Value
2093 AverageCurrent 200
2093 BatteryCapacity 540
While both attributes are of the same domain (mA), they represent very different things in regards to the component. In this case, is Design 4 better since it's not strictly a repeating group? I guess what I'm looking for is some criteria to knowing when to break it down into more tables and thus make it more vertical.
To sum up this ridiculously long question, should you only remove and normalize repeating groups if they are exacly the same domain and have the exact same meaning?. If that is the case, then really only the telephone example and probably the two tests in Design 1 meet this criteria. Though it seems like there might be design benefits to Design 3 and 5, even though the statistics of Design 3 have different meanings strictly speaking, and AverageCurrent and BatteryCapacity definitely have different meanings in Design 5.
Design 2 and Design 4 are the best ways to go provided the results will not always be present (aka NULLs in Desigin 1). If they always are taken, then the first design is fine.
I believe repeating groups in SQL would actually be if you have a column stuffed with add'l values e.g. Phone_Number contains "123-444-4444,123-333-3334" etc.
Anyway, the later designs are suboptimal -- you continue to take that to the final level and have the "One True Lookup Table" or Entity Attribute Value
Either way, it's almost always a bad thing. Although they may share a common datatype/domain, the meaning differs -- thus they should remain individual attributes (maxtemp, mintemp, etc.)