Top "Functional-dependencies" questions

A functional dependency is a constraint between two sets of attributes in a relation, in relational algebra, databases and type systems.

Partial Dependency (Databases)

I fabricated a definition that a partial dependency is when fields are indirectly dependent on the primary key or partially …

database functional-dependencies
Minimal Cover and functional dependencies

Given the following functional dependencies how would I compute the minimal cover: A -> B, ABCD -> E, …

database functional-dependencies
Determine Keys from Functional Dependencies

I'm taking a database theory course, and it's not clear to me after doing the reading how I can infer …

database functional-dependencies
Functional dependency and normalization

I am trying to find a great resource to study for functional dependency and normalization. Anyone have any idea where …

database database-normalization functional-dependencies
candidate keys from functional dependencies

Given the Relation R with attributes ABCDE. You are given the following dependencies: A -> B, BC -> …

functional-dependencies database-theory
Normalization Dependencies

Im just trying to make sure that im thinking of it the right way 1)full dependencies are when one or …

database database-normalization functional-dependencies
How to determine the functional dependencies

I am currently working for a University project and I'm a little bit confused now about the functional dependencies part. …

database database-design functional-dependencies
non trivial functional dependency in DBMS

pls help me to find out non trivial functional dependency in a following table? A. B. C 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 2 2 3 2 and also explain …

database relational-database functional-dependencies
Are Determinants and Candidate Keys same or different things?

Here I found this: Definition: A determinant in a database table is any attribute that you can use to determine …

sql database functional-dependencies candidate-key
What is canonical cover, closure and extraneous attribute?

I'm studying database concepts and there are 3 concepts that I don't understand: canonical cover, extraneous attribute and closure. I read …

database-design relational-database database-schema functional-dependencies canonical-form