Top "Dataadapter" questions

DataAdapter is a .Net framework class that facilitates communication between a DataTable and a database.

How to use SQL Command Builder and SQL Data Apdater

I read SQL Command Builder class from and I …

c# .net dataadapter data-access sqlcommandbuilder
ObjectDataSource could not find a non-generic method that has parameters:

I'm trying to use a Gridview to show a datatable from an Object data source. It's giving me the error: … objectdatasource dataadapter
Update using MySqlDataAdapter doesn't work

I am trying to use MySqlDatAdapter to update a MySql table. But, the table never updates!!! I did this before …

c# mysql dataadapter
Updating MS Access Database from Datagridview

I am trying to update an ms access database from a datagridview. The datagridview is populated on a button click …

c# sql datagridview tableadapter dataadapter
DataAdapter.Fill too slow

I know DataAdapters have performance issues, but are there any ways around it that might be faster? At the moment, …

c# performance datagridview sql-server-ce dataadapter
using DataAdapter to populate table

I have a disconnected dataTable that contains a few records. I am using the following function to get the dataTable. …

c# .net datatable dataadapter
DataAdapter: Update unable to find TableMapping['Table'] or DataTable 'Table'

This code snippet is throwing an error: Update unable to find TableMapping['Table'] or DataTable 'Table'.) on adapter.Update(ds); …

c# sql-server dataadapter
C# SQL Data Adapter System.Data.StrongTypingException

I get my data from SQL to Dataset with Fill. It's just one table with two columns (CategoryId (int) and …

c# sql dataset dataadapter
What is the best practice to fill a DataSet or DataTable asynchronously in ASP.NET?

Given the following code, I have a few questions about best practices: string connectionString = @"Server=(local)\sqlexpress; Database=master; Integrated …

c# asynchronous dataadapter
how to save the DataSet after making changes to the database?

if I have a DataSet called myDs and I edit a field in it by direct access in a loop …

c# dataset odbc dataadapter