Top "Dataadapter" questions

DataAdapter is a .Net framework class that facilitates communication between a DataTable and a database.

Error : Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

I am using Paging to show data in datagridview, but when i try to Update any data with updatebutton data …

c# .net dataadapter
Comparison of dataAdapter .Fill and .Update

I've been reading through the MSDN resources and several forums and still don't understand what's the difference between those two …

c# database dataadapter
Writing changes to a SQLite database using SqliteDataAdapter

What am I missing from the following code? In this code fragment, I am reading in a table from a …

c# sqlite visual-studio-2012 dataset dataadapter
DataAdapter does not need to make db connection open?

I try to use DataAdapter in and still I do not understand something about DataAdapter. I read many …

c# dataadapter advantage-database-server
Reload data using TableAdapter

private void UserList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'workOrdersDataSet.users' table. …

c# sql winforms dataset dataadapter
Using OleDbDataAdapter to update a DataTable C#

I have been trying to use OleDbDataAdapter to update a DataTable but got confused about the commands. Since I sometimes …

c# datatable dataadapter oledbdataadapter updatecommand
Counting rows with a SqlDataAdapter

I have a problem in my code. I want to get the row count from my SqlDataAdapter if there are …

c# dataadapter sqldataadapter
How to fill a dataset with 3 different adapters in

Aim to Achieve : I want to have 3 different dataTables from 3 different SQL queries from 3 different places into 1 single DataSet which …

.net dataset dataadapter
Remove Row through DataAdapter

I've initialized a dataAdapter : string sql = "SELECT * From localitati"; da1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql, con); da1.Fill(ds1, "…

c# sql-server dataadapter
Why it doesn't save changes into datatable from datagridview?

I have binded datagridview with datatable (Growns). My main goal is, that user can work with datagridview (dataGridView1), filling and …

c# winforms datagridview datatable dataadapter