How to use SQL Command Builder and SQL Data Apdater

Rushabh Shah picture Rushabh Shah · Nov 13, 2012 · Viewed 12.6k times · Source

I read SQL Command Builder class from and I found that I can show update done on dataset/database using select and update command.

SQL Command Builder concept is clear if I am using single dataset but what if I want to use two different dataset?

Scenario: I am reading values from database into one dataset ds1; which is assign to sql adapter and sql command builder. Now, I am reading only selected values from ds1 and storing into second dataset ds2; which is not assign to sql data adapter and sql command builder.

I am concern if I am updating any data on ds2 whether it will update database or not. Also, how should I do it using SQL Command builder and SQL Adapter.

//primary dataset

ds = new ProductDataSet();
        command = new SqlCommand(
            "SELECT no, name, price, cost, dept FROM PRODUCTS", connection);
        adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
        adapter.SelectCommand = command;            
        adapter.Fill(ds, "table");

Primary dataset is fill on form load event. User will enter item no of his choice which will be search from primary ds and saved/display onto 2nd ds (2nd ds is not connected with with any adapter or command builder right now). For eg; 2nd ds have 3 items.

Now say user update any information on 2nd ds it should automatically update database and display on grid.

//2nd ds2 update code

for (int i = 0; i < ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
 string item = ds2.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString();                   

command = new SqlCommand("UPDATE PRODUCTS SET " + _colName + " = '" + _newValue + "'" + "WHERE ITEM_NO = '" + item + "'", Class1.conn);                                    
datagrid.DataSource = ds2.Tables[0];


According to your suggestion if I am adding/declaring adapter/builder in above code it doesn't work. I am getting Table Mapping error.


prprcupofcoffee picture prprcupofcoffee · Nov 13, 2012

Use another SQLAdapter and SQLCommandBuilder. The example on that page shows how to update your database. You just need to supply the fields to be updated in the form of a query, such as:

SELECT Name, Address, Phone, Email FROM Contact

and the command builder will generate the proper SQL UPDATE statement.