Top "Dao" questions

A Data Access Object (DAO), is a design pattern in object-oriented software design, creating an object that provides an abstract interface to some type of database or other persistence mechanism.

DAO Unit testing

I have been looking at EasyMock and tutorials/examples around using it for Unit Testing DAO classes, for an "outside …

unit-testing dao easymock dbunit
JPA @Version: how to use it?

@Entity public class Person { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private int salary; @Version private long version; // ...getters …

java hibernate spring jpa dao
Why put a DAO layer over a persistence layer (like JDO or Hibernate)

Data Access Objects (DAOs) are a common design pattern, and recommended by Sun. But the earliest examples of Java DAOs …

architecture persistence data-access-layer jdo dao
Get annotated hibernate tablename from POJO

I have an entity which is declared roughly like: @Entity @Table(name = "myUserTable") public class User implements Serializable { ... } I'm making …

java hibernate entity dao
Get actual type of generic type argument on abstract superclass

I have a class like: public abstract class BaseDao<T extends PersistentObject> { protected Class<T> getClazz() { …

java generics jpa dao
generic DAO in java

I am trying to develop generic DAO in java. I have tried the following. Is this a good way to …

java dao genericdao
Android: access SQLite database via Content Provider or implement DAO?

I'm wondering which is the best approach to access my application database: use a Content Provider, or implement my DAO …

android database sqlite android-contentprovider dao
Spring MVC: Generic DAO and Service classes

I am writting web in Spring MVC. I wrote all DAOs using Generic DAO. Now I would like to rewrite …

java spring generics dao genericdao
I found JPA, or alike, don't encourage DAO pattern

I found JPA, or alike, don't encourage DAO pattern. I don't know, but I feel like that, especially with server …

java hibernate orm jpa dao
Design Patterns for Data Access Layer

I have an application which uses a database (MongoDB) to store information. In the past I have used a class …

java mongodb design-patterns dao data-access-layer