Top "Dao" questions

A Data Access Object (DAO), is a design pattern in object-oriented software design, creating an object that provides an abstract interface to some type of database or other persistence mechanism.

Java EE Architecture - Are DAO's still recommended when using an ORM like JPA 2?

If I'm using an ORM like JPA2 - where I have my entities that are mapped to my database, should …

java jakarta-ee dao jpa-2.0 architecture
DAO & BO (data access layer) - architecture

I'm a little bit confused about an example found on the web - spring & hibernate (point 4. Model & BO &…

java database dao layer
How to programmatically get transaction manager in a thread?

I have a wicket page , which contains two Spring-managed beans , one is DAO , another is Service Object : public class MergeAccountsPage …

spring jpa transactions wicket dao
Is the DAO Pattern Widely Used in .NET?

Is the DAO—Data Access Object—a commonly used pattern in .NET? I've always used DAOs as a way to …

c# .net dao
Unit testing a DAO class that uses Spring JDBC

I have several DAO objects that are used to retrieve information from a database and I really want to write …

java spring testing dao jdbctemplate
JPA findBy field ignore case

How do I make findByIn search using IgnoreCase of <Field>? I tried to use findByNameIgnoreCaseIn and findByNameInIgnoreCase with …

java spring postgresql spring-data-jpa dao
How to get file extension of file as a result of sql query?

I have a table named datas and I'm executing a query like this: SELECT linkurl AS DOWNLOADURL, lastrevlevel AS VERSION, …

mysql sql subquery dao
Pros and cons of the use of the DAO pattern

As I mention in the title, I'm interested to know what you (as experienced developers) think about the use of …

java sql web-applications dao architectural-patterns
Android Room SQLite_ERROR no such table

I'm trying my hand at using Android Room and after following this tutorial I'm getting the following error when i …

android sqlite dao android-room
Exporting MS Access Forms and Class / Modules Recursively to text files?

I found some code on an ancient message board that nicely exports all of the VBA code from classes, modules …

vba ms-access ado dao jet