Top "Cvpixelbuffer" questions

How to convert a UIImage to a CVPixelBuffer

Apple's new CoreML framework has a prediction function that takes a CVPixelBuffer. In order to classify a UIImage a conversion …

swift uiimage cvpixelbuffer coreml
Get pixel value from CVPixelBufferRef in Swift

How can I get the RGB (or any other format) pixel value from a CVPixelBufferRef? Ive tried many approaches but …

ios swift image-processing cvpixelbuffer
Duplicate / Copy CVPixelBufferRef with CVPixelBufferCreate

I need to create a copy of a CVPixelBufferRef in order to be able to manipulate the original pixel buffer …

ios objective-c cvpixelbuffer
What is a CVPixelBuffer in iOS?

According to Apple docs, it's an image stored in main memory, but how are those images used to make a …

ios core-video cvpixelbuffer