Core Video is a pipeline model for digital video in MacOS X 10.
Am Captuing video using AVFoundation frame work .With the help of Apple Documentation…
ios video-capture avfoundation video-processing core-videoI'm accessing the camera in iOS and using session presets as so: captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium; Pretty standard stuff. However, I'd …
ios avfoundation core-videoI'm looking for a way to retrieve the individual frames of a video using iOS API. I tried using AVAssetImageGenerator …
ios video frame avfoundation core-videoWe are using AVAssetReader and AVAssetWriter somewhat in the style as noted in Video Encoding using AVAssetWriter - CRASHES basically …
ios avassetwriter core-video avassetreaderI'm writing a custom Movie Recording app and have implemented AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor for writing frames to a file. In …
objective-c ios core-image avassetwriter core-videoI'm sure something's wrong with my buffer attributes, but it's not clear to me what -- it's not well documented …
ios core-foundation avassetwriter core-videoI’d like to convert a CGImage to CMSampleBufferRef and append it to a AVAssetWriterInput using the appendSampleBuffer: method. I’…
ios avfoundation core-video core-mediaAccording to Apple docs, it's an image stored in main memory, but how are those images used to make a …
ios core-video cvpixelbuffer