Top "Cross-platform" questions

An attribute conferred to computer software or computing methods and concepts that are implemented and inter-operate on multiple computer platforms.

Possible values from sys.platform?

What are the possible return values from the following command? import sys print sys.platform I know there is a …

python cross-platform
How to make a file field that only accept pdf and doc

I need to accept only pdf and doc file using input type file. <input type="file" id="test" name="…

html cross-platform http-accept-language
Xamarin vs. Mono vs. Monodevelop

What is the relationship between Xamarin and Mono(Are they the same product)? Is the Monodevelop IDE related to Mono?

c# mono cross-platform xamarin monodevelop
How to update Xamarin for Android within Visual Studio Community 2015

I've recently installed Visual Studio Community 2015 and I've been following an MSDN tutorial "Build cross-platform apps with Xamarin". When its …

android xamarin visual-studio-2015 cross-platform
measure CPU usage of the JVM : java code

Is there a way to measure CPU usage of the JVM (once a java application is started) cross platform (windows + …

java performance cross-platform jmx cpu-usage
What's the simplest cross-platform way to pop up graphical dialogs in Python?

I want the simplest possible way to pop up simple dialogs in Python scripts. Ideally, the solution would: Work on …

python cross-platform dialog zenity
How to change Border Color of Entry in Xamarin.Forms

I'm writing an app in Xamarin.forms cross-platform. There are few Entries in The app and I want to create/…

xaml xamarin cross-platform xamarin.forms xamarin-studio
Create cross platform Java SWT Application

I have written a Java GUI using SWT. I package the application using an ANT script (fragment below). <jar …

ant cross-platform jar swt package
C: cross-platform RS-232 serial library?

I am looking for an open source cross-platform library for working with the serial port in C, something along the …

c cross-platform serial-port interfacing
Python: Opening a folder in Explorer/Nautilus/Finder

I'm in Python, and I have the path of a certain folder. I want to open it using the default …

python cross-platform directory