Top "Http-accept-language" questions

Questions related to the Accept Language request header field of HTTP

How to add custom Accept-Languages to Chrome for pseudolocalization testing?

i am testing pseudo-localization of a web-site. i can configure Internet Explorer to have custom accept languages: Click Tools, Internet …

google-chrome localization internationalization http-accept-language pseudolocalization
Parse Accept-Language header in Java

The accept-language header in request is usually a long complex string - Eg. Accept-Language : en-ca,en;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.6,de-de;…

java servlets http-accept-language
How to make a file field that only accept pdf and doc

I need to accept only pdf and doc file using input type file. <input type="file" id="test" name="…

html cross-platform http-accept-language
cUrl set language header

How can I set a language header for my cURL request? e.g. now I get the homepage of facebook.…

curl http-headers user-agent http-accept-language
Accept Language list

I would like to react to the Accept_Language that a browser sends to a website. Does anybody know where …

content-negotiation http-accept-language
Why does Symfony ignore the browsers locale-setting (HTTP-Request Accept-Language Header)?

i am currently trying to enable the translator in Symfony 2.0. Symfony is ignoring the Accept-Language Header variable and is using …

symfony locale http-accept-language
REST API request with language and region

I'm developing a REST API and I need to implement a method which needs language and country to produce result …

java rest api http http-accept-language
Python change Accept-Language using requests

I'm new to python and trying to get some infos from IMDb using requests library. My code is capturing all …

python python-requests http-accept-language
Change the language of a site using a button

Hi I want as the title says change the language of the site using a button but this without altering …

php http-accept-language