Top "Cross-domain" questions

Cross-domain refers to web applications that communicate outside of their hosting domain / web server.

jquery $.ajax jsonp

$.ajax({ type : "GET", dataType : "jsonp", url : '/', data : {} success: function(obj){ } }); How can i use $.ajax dataType: jsonp cross-domain …

jquery ajax cross-domain jsonp
Allowing a child Iframe to call a function on its parent window from a different domain

I have made a page which gets loaded in an IFrame and it needs to call a function on the …

javascript iframe cross-domain
Three.js and loading a cross-domain image

I know this has been asked before, and I've read ever question and answer I've been able to find, but …

javascript three.js cross-domain
Downloadable font on firefox: bad URI or cross-site access not allowed

I'm a webmaster at (I'm giving you the URL so you are able to check the …

css amazon-s3 cross-domain font-face gecko
How do I get a SignalR hub connection to work cross-domain?

I am trying to get a super simple hub connection working cross-domain but having no luck. I've read dozens of …

javascript cross-domain signalr
How to set X-Frame-Options Allow-From in nginx correctly

Im trying to set the ALLOWED-FROM in Nginx but all settings I tried so far resulted in the following Chrome …

nginx cross-domain content-security-policy x-frame-options
Cross-domain AJAX request not working

I'm calling POST on a third-party API that I've been working with via jQuery's $.ajax function. However, when I make …

jquery ajax cross-domain jsonp cors
Internet Explorer 11 does not add the Origin header on a CORS request?

My issue depends on a couple of assumptions I hold true. Assumption nr 1: The Origin Header The Origin header is …

internet-explorer xmlhttprequest cross-domain cors
WebView Javascript cross domain from a local HTML file

I load a local html file (from assets folder) to the app WebView. In the HTML I run a jQuery.…

javascript android cross-domain android-webview same-origin-policy
Cross-domain connection in Socket.IO

Is it possible to use Socket.IO in a cross domain manner? If so, how? The possibility is mentioned around …

javascript websocket cors cross-domain