Top "Cross-domain" questions

Cross-domain refers to web applications that communicate outside of their hosting domain / web server.

CORS error on same domain?

I'm running into a weird CORS issue right now. Here's the error message: XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8666/routeREST/select?…

javascript python ajax cross-domain cors
Preventing "SCRIPT5: Access is denied" error in IE

Scenario: Page A on that has an IFrame containing Page B on Page B uses jQuery 1.10.1 …

jquery ajax internet-explorer cross-domain
How do I get around window.opener cross-domain security

I just found out that window.opener is not available in a window opened via if the new …

javascript cross-domain
Why does canvas.toDataURL() throw a security exception?

Did I not get enough sleep or what? This following code var frame=document.getElementById("viewer"); frame.width=100; frame.height=100; …

javascript html canvas cross-domain
How do I get a computed style?

Can anybody please help me with a script.. or a way to get the value of height : 1196px; width: 284px; …

javascript html css cross-domain computed-style
handle multiple domains with Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in Apache

I want to configure apache for cross-domain access header. I have tried multiple combination as suggested on number of threads …

apache .htaccess http cross-domain cors
Cross-origin data in HTML5 canvas

I'm loading an image in js and draw it into a canvas. After drawing, i retrieve imageData from the canvas: …

javascript html google-chrome canvas cross-domain
Detect if the iframe content has loaded successfully

I have a widget that contains an iframe. The user can configure the url of this iframe, but if the …

javascript javascript-events cross-domain
How do I send an AJAX request on a different port with jQuery?

I need to send an AJAX request to, for example, port 8080 where a daemon is running there.

javascript jquery ajax cross-domain
How do you call Python code from C code?

I want to extend a large C project with some new functionality, but I really want to write it in …

python c interop cross-domain