Top "Cross-domain" questions

Cross-domain refers to web applications that communicate outside of their hosting domain / web server.

cross-origin 'Authorization'-header with jquery.ajax()

I'm trying to send a cross-origin domain and adding a custom 'Authorization'-header. Please see the code below. Error: XMLHttpRequest cannot …

javascript jquery ajax cross-domain
How do i implement ‘sign in with google’ on my site?

On my site I would like to allow users to sign in with a google account. I plan to use …

login gmail cross-domain openid google-oauth
'No Transport' Error w/ jQuery ajax call in IE

I need to use foursquare API to search venues. Of course it is cross-domain. It has no any problems in …

ajax internet-explorer jquery cross-domain
cross-domain iframe resize

How do I resize an iframe from another domain -Edit Scroll down for some solutions.. or read on how NOT …

javascript html css iframe cross-domain
HTTP and HTTPS iframe

I am creating a small widget and I want to allow others to use it. The iframe is loaded via …

http iframe https cross-domain
PHP Sessions across sub domains

I am trying to set up the following: If the user …

php authentication session cross-domain
allow cross domain ajax requests

In my project , I need to allow others send ajax requests to my script . So external requests may come from …

php ajax cross-domain
How to enable 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header for all files in a directory of XAMPP?

I am developing a HTML5 Javascript app to get an image from my local server which runs on the same …

apache xampp cors cross-domain construct-2
"Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin" in Chrome. Why?

I am working on some Javascript to run locally on my PC. I am using a jQuery CSV plugin (http://…

javascript google-chrome xmlhttprequest cross-domain
Cross-Domain AJAX doesn't send X-Requested-With header

Create a web service on and send a cross-domain ajax request to it from …

ajax http-headers cross-domain cors