Credentials in information systems are widely used to control access to information or other resources.
I want to use gcloud in Jenkins pipeline and therefore I have to authenticate first with the Google Service account. …
authentication jenkins jenkins-pipeline credentials gcloudis there anyway to protect the Bing maps API key from being exposed to the client?
api bing-maps credentialsI've got a machine-control application where I have a single client computer and five server boxes communicating on the machine …
wcf credentials nettcpbindingUnder Basic authentication you used to be able to store credentials in a variable $cred = Get-Credential Now we are using …
powershell variables credentials multi-factor-authenticationI am writing a PowerShell 3.0 installer for our web applications and web services and am getting tripped up when attempting …
powershell iis configuration credentials lockedIm trying to request a url that require windows authentication using HttpWebRequest, I was using request.Credential = New NetworkCredential("username", "…
c# httpwebrequest credentials networkcredentialsI need to use paypal credentials (username, password, signature) for my magento2 store. For credentials, I logged in to my …
api paypal magento2 credentials express-checkoutHow can we safely storing credentials data for access to the smtp-server in Android app? These data are constants and …
android encryption root credentials android-keystoreI have the following DSL structure: freeStyleJob { wrappers { credentialsBinding { [ $class:"AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding", accessKeyVariable: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", credentialsId: "your-credential-id", secretKeyVariable: "AWS_…
amazon-web-services jenkins groovy credentials jenkins-job-dsl